PO Box 119
Rockland, ID 83271
208-548-2221 ext 2554
Lynn Spillett
Kayla Garner
Did you know that having a high percentage of free and reduced students can help the district get more federal funding? If you qualify, please apply.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
If your child (grades 7-12) decides to eat breakfast at 10:00 am they will be charged according to their free (0), reduced (.30)or full(1.75) lunch category. If your child has eaten breakfast at 7:45 am and decides to eat breakfast again at 10:00 am, they will be charged the full price of the meal no matter their lunch status. The meal is itemized at minimal cost if you do not want the full breakfast.
The current Rockland School Dist. 382 Policy allows for a negative meal balance up to $10.00. Please remember to pay your lunch account in ADVANCE. Please contact the office at (208)548-2221 if you have further questions.
Free and Reduced Lunch Documents
Rockland School Dist. 382
Rockland School Dist. 382 PO Box 119 Rockland, ID 83271 Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 4:30pm